Sunday, November 11, 2007

Argument Essay Aid

I use this Video to teach my students about arguments essays. Just saying "because I say so" is not enough.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Sam Houston's love letters

I just spent several hours in the UT Arlington archive reading ORIGINAL love letters from Sam Houston to Anna Raquet. Uh, he was married, btw, but filing for divorce. So, why was I there? Well, I'm taking this American Literature class that focuses on epistolary discourse. Our professor just published a book, To Marry an Indian, consisting of letters to and from Harriett Gold (a white woman), her American Indian husband Elias Boudinot, and her family--those who approved and disapproved of her marrying an Indian. Well, the book consists of an introduction and letters. And she would like for us to experience the same type of primary research. So, to this end, I will be transcribing 150 year old letters, annotating them, and composing a 10 page introduction. All told, in the end, the project should be more than the 40 req'd pages. I'm actually excited now that I have a good subject. I had intended to do the Hamilton/Burr duel, but it has already been done and was done well. I saw no sense to redoing it for busy work. The Houston letters have been done as well, but the editorial process the editor used was not up to scholarly standards, and there is must room for improvement.

In my Victorian Literature class, I will be analyzing the Victorian fairy tales of Anne Thackeray Ritchie through a feminists lens. (cough) I guess I should mention that I know absolutely NOTHING about feminism!!! So any books or sources that you think might help me, I'd loved to hear about it. I talked to a professor today and she recommended some books. I requested an inter-library loan for a book she published in America in 1868, but there are only 3 libraries nation wide, so I probably will not be getting that loan, at least I'm not pinning my hopes on it. Well, this is a summary of two of the projects I'm working on currently. I am very excited about them and hope I can pull them off with quality. LD